Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hanis Zalikha Vs Collagen Dust @ Churpout 2012

Ni adalah special entry berkenaan Event Churp Out 2012 kat Publika Solaris tempoh hari, Since I was promoting the POCC Facebook Official Page there so I sempat grab the chance untuk singgah kat Hanis Zalikha punya booth. So dapatlah tengok mereka sekeluarga. They are selling their famous Toujours Skin Collagen Dust there while Hanis Zalikha was selling clothes yang dia beli semasa Program Mad Market dijalankan. 

So sempat jugak lah I tanya macam2 pasal Collagen Dust kat Aunty Nani Rostam. She looks so young in person. I adore her skin sangat cantik.

Sape yang tak kenal Aunty Nani ni boleh click Nani Rostam , she is Hanis Zalikha's mother ya. Since I'm using the other collagen brand so I mintak Aunty Nani explain the comparison between her product with the one Im using, she's so friendly. She gave me her number in case I want to buy from her. I will :)

Sebelum balik sempat gak snap pic with Hanis Zalikha. Kurus tinggi orangnye,169cm berbanding I cume 164cm..  berkulit cerah dan licin macam ibunya. She's so humble and friendly. 

Dah ambil gamba kiteorang terus say thank you tapi dia sempat panggil n bersalaman dengan kiteorang, humble bukan? :)


  1. untungnya awak dapat brjumpa dengan dia :)

    em awak, kalau boleh awak buanglah word verification dekat komen ni ek. senang sikit nak komen2 nanti :)

    1. saya tak perasan ada word verification..will work on it okay:)

  2. wahh..untunglah..;) manis2 je semuanya..",

  3. ramai review collagen dust ni bgus,saya pun berminat nk try. tambh plak tgok skin k.nani.. u xnak try?

    1. memang elok pun, hari tu they are selling for only 160 je. i guna Gogen before this .. depends on financial kalau ada duit lebih i guna toujours skin collagen dust tu, kalau financial tak izinkan i guna gogen, gogen pn ok jgk:) u penah dengar tak

  4. Hai...

    now im using toujours... but wondering.. ape beza toujours dengan gogen nie? somehow ramai jugak yg cakap gogen is better...

  5. aunty nani said the difference is toujours tu very pure, so might be gogen tu is not 100% pure, but for me both are okay:)gogen is available in cheaper price

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